Left side of the brain
sequencing and linearity
Right side of the brain
rhythm and music
Body parts
1. toes
2. knee
3. thigh
4. back
5. arm
6. shoulders
7. neck
8. face
9. top of head
10. ceiling
Number-Shape System
1 pencil, pen
2 Swan
3 Heart
4 Yacht
5 hook
6 Cherry
7 Cliff, boomerang
8 snowman, hourglass
9 Flag
10 Bat and Ball
Number-Rhyme System
1 Sun
2 Shoe
3 Tree
4 Door
5 Drive
6 Bricks
7 Heaven
8 Date, fate
9 Vine, wine
10 Hen
The Alphabet System
A - Ape
B - Boy
C - Cat
D - Dog
E - Egg
F - Fig
G - Goat
H - Hat
I - Ice
J - Jack
K - Kite
L - Log
M - Man
N - Nut
O - Owl
P - Pig
Q - Quill
R - Rock
S - Sock
T - Toy
U - Umbrella
V - Vane
W - Wig
X - X-Ray
Y - Yak
Z – Zoo
Special Code
0 = s, z, soft c
1 = d, t, th
2 = n
3 = m
4 = r
5 = l
6 = j, sh, soft ch, dg, soft g
7 = k, hard ch, hard-c, hard-g, ng, qu
8 = f,v
9 = b,p
1 – 100
1 Tea
2 Noah
3 Ham
4 Hair
5 Law
6 Jaw
7 Key
8 Foe
9 Pie
10 Daze
11 Dad
12 Dan
13 Dam
14 Dare
15 Dale
16 Dash
17 Deck
18 TV
19 Tape
21 Net
22 Nan
23 Name
24 Nero
25 Nail
26 Nash
27 Nag
28 Navy
29 Nab
30 Mace
31 Mat
32 Man
33 Mama
34 Mare
35 Mail
36 Mash
37 Mac
38 Mafia
39 Map
40 Rose
41 Rat
42 Rain
43 Ram
44 Rare
45 Rail
46 Rash
47 Rack
48 Roof
49 Rape
50 Lace
51 Lad
52 Lane
53 Lamb
54 Lair
55 Lily
56 Lash
57 Lake
58 Laugh
59 Lab
60 Chase
61 Chat
62 Chain
63 Chime
64 Chair
65 Chill
66 Judge
67 Check
68 Chaff
69 Chap
70 Case
71 Cat
72 Can
73 Gum
74 Car
75 Call
76 Cage
77 Cake
78 Cafe
79 Cab
80 Face
81 Fat
82 Fan
83 Fame
84 Far
85 Fall
86 Fish
87 Fake
88 Fife
89 VIP
90 Base
91 Bat
92 Ban
93 Bum
94 Bar
95 Ball
96 Bash
97 Back
98 Beef
99 Baby
100 Daisies
101 – 200
101 Dust
102 Design
103 Dismay
104 Desert
105 Dazzle
106 Discharge
107 Disc
108 Deceive
109 Despair
110 Dates - succulent, sticky fruit, often eaten at Christmas
111 Deadwood - decayed, often twisted, remains of trees
112 Deaden
113 Diadem - a crown; a wreath of leaves or flowers worn around the head
114 Daughter
115 Detail
116 Detach
117 Toothache
118 Dative - a noun case that expresses giving
119 Deathbed
120 Tennis
121 Dent
122 Denun - to take a nun or nuns away from a place or situation
123 Denim
124 Dinner
125 Downhill
126 Danish - native to Denmark
127 Dank - unpleasantly soaked or damp; marshy or swampy
128 Downfall
129 Danube - the river (or picture waltzing to the Blue Danube)
130 Demise
131 Domed - having a large, rounded summit, as a head or a church
132 Demon
133 Demimonde - the fringe of society
134 Demure
135 Dimly
136 Damage
137 Democracy
138 Dam full
139 Damp
140 Dress
141 Dart
142 Drain
143 Dram
144 Drawer
145 Drill
146 Dredge - apparatus for bringing up mud (or oysters) from the sea or river bottom
147 Drag
148 Drive
149 Drip
150 De luxe
151 Daylight
152 Delinquent
153 Dilemma - a position leaving a choice that is usually between two evils
154 Dealer
155 Delilah - temptress of Samson; false and wily woman
156 Deluge - a great flood; Noah's flood
157 Delicacy
158 Delphi - the ancient Greek town where the sanctuary of the oracle was located
159 Tulip
160 Duchess
161 Dashed
162 Dudgeon - state of strong anger, resentment, or feeling of offence
163 Dutchman
164 Dodger - a wily, tricky, elusive person
165 Dash light - imagine the dash light in your car
166 Dishwasher
167 Dechoke - reverse the image of choke, either in relation to a car or to strangling someone
168 Dishevel - to make the hair or clothes loose, disordered, 'flung about'
169 Dish up - to serve food, usually applied to a slapdash manner
170 Decks
171 Decade
172 Token
173 Decamp - imagine confusion in the dismantling of tents, etc.
174 Decree - an order made by an authority demanding some kind of action
175 Ducal - imagine anything similar to or looking like a duke
176 Duckish
177 Decaying
178 Take-off
179 Decapitate
180 Deface
181 Defeat
182 Divan
183 Defame
184 Diver
185 Defile
186 Devotion
187 Edifying
188 Two frisky fillies - imagine them in a field or memorable enclosure
189 Two frightened boys - perhaps being chased by 188!
190 Debase - to lower in character, quality or value
191 Debate
192 Debone - to pick the bones out of, usually from fish
193 Whitebeam - a tree with long, silvery underleaves
194 Dipper - imagine a big dipper at a fairground
195 Dabble
196 Debauch
197 Dipping - imagine someone being dipped forcibly into water, as the medieval torture
198 Dab off- imagine a stain or blood being 'dabbed off' with cotton wool
199 Depip - to take the pips out of (imagine a pomegranate)
200 Nieces
201 – 300
201 Nasty
202 Insane
203 Noisome - harmful, noxious, ill-smelling
204 No Sir!
205 Nestle
206 Incision - a clean cutting of something, as with a doctor's scalpel
207 Nosegay - a small bunch of sweet-scented flowers
208 Unsafe
209 Newsboy
210 Notice
211 Needed
212 Indian
213 Anatomy
214 Nadir - the lowest point; place or time ofgreat depression
215 Needle
216 Night watch
217 Antique
218 Native
219 Antibes - a port and resort in south-east France, on the Mediterranean
220 Ninnies - group ofpeople with weak minds, simpletons
221 Ninth - imagine the ninth hole of a golf course
222 Ninon - a lightweight dress fabric made of silk
223 No name - imagine a person who has forgotten his name
224 Nunnery
225 Union hall
226 Nunnish - pertaining to or like a nun
227 Non-aqua - having nothing at all to do with water
228 Nineveh
229 Ninepin - one of nine upright pieces of wood to be knocked down in the game of ninepins
230 Names
231 Nomad
232 Nominee - a person nominated for a position or office
233 No ma'am
234 Enamour - to charm, to animate with love
235 Animal
236 No mash - imagine a saucepan that has just been emptied of mashed potatoes
237 Unmake
238 Nymph - a beautiful, mythological maiden, always young
239 Numb
240 Nurse
241 Narrate
242 No run
243 Norm - a standard; a set pattern to be maintained
244 Narrower
245 Nearly
246 Nourish
247 New York
248 Nerve
249 Nearby
250 Nails
251 Nailed
252 Nylon
253 New loam - freshly turned rich and fertile soil
254 Kneeler
255 Nail hole
256 Knowledge
257 Nailing
258 Nullify
259 Nail-brush
260 Niches - vertical recesses in a wall to contain a statue
261 Unshod
262 Nation
263 Unjam
264 Injure
265 Unshell - to extract a living organism from its shell
266 Nosh shop - imagine a corner snack-bar or something similar
267 No joke - a joke that falls flat
268 Unshaved
269 Unship - imagine a great crowd of people being ordered off a ship
270 Necks
271 Naked
272 Noggin - a small mug and/or its contents
273 Income
274 Anchor
275 Nickel - a grey metal related to cobalt
276 No cash - imagine someone fumbling in his pockets in order to pay a restaurant bill
277 Knocking
278 Encave - to confine to a dark place; to keep in a cave
279 Uncap - imagine schoolboys stealing one another's caps
280 Nephews
281 Nevada
282 Uneven
283 Infamy
284 Never
285 Navel
286 Knavish - having the characteristics of a roguish trickster
287 Invoke - to address in prayer; to implore assistance or protection
288 Unfavourable
289 Enfeeble - to make extremely weak and unable to function
290 Nibs
291 Unpod - to take from the pod, as peas
292 New pan - imagine a brilliantly shiny frying pan
293 New beam - imagine the first beam ever from the sun
294 Neighbour
295 Nibble
296 Nippish
297 Unpack
298 Unpaved
299 Nabob - a wealthy person, especially one returned from India with a fortune
300 Moses
301 – 400
301 Mast
302 Mason
303 Museum
304 Miser
305 Missile
306 Massage
307 Mask
308 Massive
309 Mishap
310 Midas - the king who turned everything he touched to gold
311 Midday
312 Maiden
313 Madam
314 Motor
315 Medal
316 Modish-in the current style or fashion
317 Medic
318 Midwife
319 Mudpie
320 Manse - the home of a Presbyterian minister
321 Mend
322 Minion - favourite child, servant or animal; slave
323 Minim - a creature of the smallest size or importance; a musical note
324 Manner
325 Manila
326 Manage
327 Maniac
328 Manful - brave, resolute, bold
329 Monopoly - a popularboard game
330 Maims
331 Mammoth
332 Mammon - the Syrian god of riches; worldly wealth
333 My mum
334 Memory
335 Mammal
336 My match
337 Mimic
338 Mummify - to preserve the body by embalming
339 Mump
340 Mars
341 Maraud - to make a plunderous raid; to go about pilfering
342 Marine
343 Miriam
344 Mirror
345 Moral
346 March
347 Mark
348 Morphia - the principal narcotic of opium
349 Marble
350 Males
351 Malt
352 Melon
353 Mile man - a man who runs a mile
354 Miller
355 Molehill
356 Mulish - imagine anything that is characteristic of a mule
357 Milk
358 Mollify - to soften, assuage, appease
359 Mailbag
360 Matches
361 Mashed
362 Machine
363 Mishmash - a jumble, hotchpotch, medley
364 Major
365 Mesh lock - imagine something like a gearcog meshing and locking or a lock that operates by an intricate mesh
366 Magician
367 Magic
368 Much force
369 Much bent
370 Mikes
371 Mocked
372 Mohican
373 Make muck
374 Maker
375 Meekly
376 My cash
377 Making
378 Make off- to hurry away, as a thief from the scene of a crime
379 Magpie
380 Mauve skirt
381 Mufti - an expounder of Mohammedan law; civilian dress as opposed to uniform
382 Muffin
383 Movement
384 Mayfair
385 Muffle
386 My fish
387 Mafeking - a town in South Africa, well known for relief of siege there in 1900
388 Mauve feet
389 Movable
390 Mopes - sulks; being dull or out of spirits
391 Moped
392 Embank - to confine or protect (river, road, etc.) by a bank
393 Wampum - name for money beads and shells used by North American Indians
394 Empire
395 Maple
396 Ambush
397 Impact
398 Mob violence
399 Imbibe - to drink in; absorb (often used of liquor)
400 Recess
401 – 500
401 Recite
402 Raisin
403 Resume - a summing up; a condensed statement; a summary
404 Racer
405 Wrestle
406 Rose show
407 Risk
408 Receive
409 Rasp - to rub with a coarse file; to utter in a grating way
410 Raids
411 Radiate
412 Rattan - Indian climbing palm with a long, thin, pliable stem
413 Redeem
414 Radar - imagine 'beaming in' on some object in the sky
415 Rattle
416 Radish
417 Reading
418 Ratify - to settle, confirm, approve, establish
419 Rat bait
420 Reigns
421 Rained
422 Reunion
423 Uranium - a radioactive white metallic element
424 Runner
425 Runnel - a rivulet or gutter
426 Ranch
427 Rank
428 Run-off- a decisive final contest; a gutter or spillway
429 Rainbow
430 Remus - one of two brothers suckled by a wolf in infancy; he became one of the mythological founders of Rome
431 Rammed
432 Roman
433 Remember
434 Ramrod
435 Rommel - notorious German war leader
436 Rummage
437 Remake
438 Ramify - to form branches, subdivisions or offshoots
439 Ramp
440 Roars
441 Reared
442 Rareness
443 Rear man - the last man in a column or file
444 Rarer
445 Rarely
446 Raree show - a peep-show
447 Rearing
448 Rarefy - to lessen the density or solidity of, especially air
449 Rarebit - a dainty morsel; often applied to Welsh rarebit
450 Release
451 Railed
452 Reloan
453 Realm
454 Roller
455 Reel line - imagine a fishing line tangled on its reel
456 Relish
457 Relic
458 Relief
459 Relapse
460 Riches
461 Reached
462 Region
463 Regime - mode, style, diet; form of government
464 Rasher
465 Rachel
466 Re judge
467 Raging
468 Arch foe - imagine yourself as a knight with one giant foe among a number of others
469 Reach up
470 Racks
471 Racket
472 Reckon
473 Requiem - a service spoken or sung for the peace of the soul of a dead person
474 Raker - imagine a man who does nothing but rake gardens
475 Recall
476 Roguish
477 Rococo - a highly ornamental, florid style in design
478 Recover
479 Rack up - colloquialism meaning to score points in sport
480 Refuse
481 Raft
482 Raven
483 Revamp - to renovate, revise or improve
484 Reefer - a marijuana cigarette
485 Raffle
486 Ravage
487 Revoke - a card player's failure to follow suit, though he could
488 Revive
489 Rough passage - a crossing over rough sea; a difficult or testing time
490 Rabies
491 Rabid - furious, violent, unreasoning, mad
492 Ribbon
493 Ripe melon
494 Raper
495 Rabble
496 Rubbish
497 Rebuke
498 Rebuff
499 Republic - a society with equality among members
500 Lasses
501 – 600
501 Last
502 Lesson
503 Lyceum - a place in Athens where Aristotle taught
504 Laser - a superconcentrated beam of light coming from a vibrating substance
505 Lazily
506 Alsatian
507 Lacing
508 Lucifer
509 Lisp
510 Ladies
511 Lighted
512 Latin
513 Late meal
514 Ladder
515 Ladle
516 Old age
517 Leading
518 Old foe
519 Lead pipe
520 Lance
521 Land
522 Linen
523 Liniment
524 Linear
525 Lineal
526 Launch
527 Lank
528 Lunar flight
529 Line-up
530 Looms
531 Limit
532 Layman
533 Lame mare
534 Lamarck - famous French zoologist and botanist
535 Lamella - a thin plate, especially of tissue or bone
536 Lime juice
537 Looming
538 Lymph - a bodily fluid resembling plasma
539 Lamp
540 Layers
541 Lard
542 Learn
543 Alarm
544 Leerer
545 Laurel
546 Large
547 Lark
548 Larva
549 Larrup - colloquial for 'to thrash'
550 Lilies
551 Lilt
552 Lowland
553 Lilo mattress - a camping mattress that serves as a bed
554 Lowlier
555 Lily-livered
556 Low ledge
557 Lilac
558 Low life
559 Lullaby
560 Lashes
561 Legit - colloquial for that which is honest
562 Legion
563 Lush meadow
564 Lecher
565 Lushly
566 All-Jewish
567 Logic
568 Low shove
569 Lush pea
570 Lakes
571 Licked
572 Lagoon
573 Locum - colloquial for a deputy in any office, especially a doctor
574 Lacquer
575 Local
576 Luggage
577 Licking
578 Liquefy - to bring a solid or a gas to a liquid condition
579 Lock-up
580 Leaves
581 Livid
582 Elfin - like, or relating to, a fairy or an elf
583 Alluvium - soil deposited or washed down by the action of water
584 Lever
585 Level
586 Lavish
587 Leaving
588 Leave off
589 Lifeboat
590 Lips
591 Leaped
592 Lib now - imagine this phrase as a women's liberation placard
593 Low bum
594 Labour
595 Label
596 Lip chap - a cold sore on the lip
597 Lawbook
598 Leapfrog
599 Lap up
600 Chases
601 – 700
601 Chaste
602 Jason - and the Golden Fleece
603 Chessman
604 Chaser
605 Chisel
606 Cheese show
607 Chasing
608 Joseph
609 Cheese pie
610 Shades
611 Shaded
612 Showdown
613 Chatham - naval dockyard town on the River Medway, Kent
614 Chatter
615 Chattel
616 Chitchat
617 Cheating
618 Shadoof- a mechanism for raising water, consisting of a long pole hung from a post, and a bucket, used in Egypt
619 Chat up - to talk to a person of the opposite sex with further contact in mind
620 Chains
621 Chant
622 Genuine
623 Chinaman
624 Joiner
625 Channel
626 Change
627 Chink - in the armour
628 Geneva - headquarters for certain United Nations organisations; major city of Switzerland
629 Shinbone
630 Chums
631 Ashamed
632 Showman
633 Jemima - boot with elastic sides, having no laces or clasps to fasten
634 Chimera - a fire-breathing monster with a lion's head, a goat's body and a dragon's tail; a fanciful product of the imagination
635 Shameless
636 Jimjams - nervous
fears; delirium tremens
637 Jamaica
638 Shameful
639 Champ
640 Cheers
641 Chart
642 Shrine
643 Chairman
644 Juror
645 Churl - a surly, ill-bred man
646 Charge
647 Cherokee - North American Indian
648 Giraffe
649 Chirp
650 Jealous
651 Child
652 Chilean
653 Shalom - salutation at meeting or parting, used by Jews
654 Jailer
655 Shallowly - in a manner not intellectual or lacking in depth
656 Geology
657 Gelignite
658 Shelf
659 Julep - with mint
660 Judges
661 Judged
662 Jejune - bare, meagre, empty; void of interest
663 Judgement
664 Judger
665 Jewishly
666 Choo-choo-choo - an especially puffy steam engine
667 Joshing - good-natured leg pulling or joking
668 Jehoshaphat - a king of Judah
669 Shoe shop
670 Checks
671 Checked
672 Chicken
673 Checkmate - a position in chess in which the opponent's king is trapped; the end of the game
674 Checker
675 Chuckle
676 Check shirt
677 Checking
678 Chekhov - famous Russian author of plays and short stories
679 Jacob
680 Chafes - makes sore or worn by rubbing; irritates
681 Shaft
682 Shaven
683 Chief Mohawk
684 Shaver
685 Joyful
686 Chiffchaff- small European warbler with yellowish-brown plumage
687 Chafing
688 Shove off
689 Shavable
690 Chaps
691 Chapter
692 Japan
693 Chapman
694 Chopper
695 Chapel
696 Sheepish
697 Chipping
698 Sheepfold
699 Shopboy
700 Kisses
701 – 800
701 Cast
702 Casino
703 Chasm
704 Kisser
705 Gazelle
706 Kiss-shy - reluctant to kiss
707 Cask
708 Cohesive - with the quality of sticking together
709 Cusp - the point at which two branches of a curve meet and stop; a pointed end, especially of a crescent moon
710 Cats
711 Cadet
712 Cotton
713 Gotham-a proverbially foolish town
714 Guitar
715 Cattle
716 Cottage
717 Coating
718 Cadaver - a corpse
719 Cut up
720 Cans
721 Canada
722 Cannon
723 Economy
724 Coiner
725 Kennel
726 Conjurer
727 Conk - colloquial for 'to bang on the head'
728 Convey
729 Canopy - a covering over a bed or a throne
730 Cameos - pieces of relief carving in stone and agate, etc., with colour layers utilised to give background
731 Comet
732 Common
733 Commemorate
734 Camera
735 Camel
736 Game show - as seen on television
737 Comic
738 Comfy
739 Camp
740 Caress
741 Card
742 Corn
743 Cram
744 Career
745 Carol
746 Crash
747 Crack
748 Carafe - a glass water or wine bottle for the dinner table
749 Carp - to find fault; a freshwater fish
750 Class
751 Clod
752 Clan
753 Clam
754 Clear
755 Galileo - Italian astronomer, mathematician and physicist
756 Clash
757 Clack
758 Cliff
759 Clap
760 Cages
761 Caged
762 Cushion
763 Cashmere - a rich fabric or shawl, originally made in Kashmir, India
764 Cashier
765 Cajole - to persuade or soothe by flattery, deceit, etc.
766 Quiche shop
767 Catching
768 Cageful
769 Ketchup - tomato sauce
770 Cakes
771 Cooked
772 Cocoon
773 Cucumber
774 Cooker
775 Cackle
776 Quick change - rapid change of costume by an actor, etc., to play another part
777 Cooking
778 Quickfire
779 Cock-up - colloquial for that which has been made a mess of
780 Cafes
781 Cave-dweller
782 Coffin
783 Caveman
784 Caviar
785 Cavil - to raise needless objection
786 Coffee shop
787 Caving
788 Cavafy - poet of Alexandria
789 Coffee-bean
790 Cabs
791 Cupid
792 Cabin
793 Cabman
794 Caper - to frolic, skip, or leap lightly, as a lamb; a small berry used for making pickles and condiments
795 Cable
796 Cabbage
797 Coping
798 Keep off
799 Cobweb
800 Faces
801 – 900
801 Fast
802 Pheasant
803 Face mole
804 Visor
805 Facile
806 Visage
807 Facing
808 Face value
809 Face up - colloquial for 'meet the brunt'; accept the challenge or consequences
810 Fates - the three Greek goddesses of destiny
811 Faded
812 Fatten
813 Fathom
814 Fetter
815 Fatal
816 Fattish
817 Fading
818 Fateful
819 Football
820 Fans
821 Faint
822 Finance
823 Venom
824 Fawner - an obsequious or sycophantic person; one who insincerely praises for reward
825 Final
826 Finish
827 Fawning - courting favour by cringing
828 Fanfare
829 Vain boy
830 Famous
831 Vomit
832 Famine
833 Fame-mad
834 Femur - the thigh-bone
835 Female
836 Famish
837 Foaming
838 Fumeful
839 Vamp - adventuress; woman who exploits men; unscrupulous flirt
840 Farce
841 Fort
842 Fern
843 Farm
844 Farrier - a man who shoes horses or treats them for disease
845 Frail
846 Fresh
847 Frock
848 Verify - establish the truth of, bear out, make good
849 Verb
850 False
851 Fault
852 Flan
853 Flame
854 Flare
855 Flail - wooden staff at the end of which a short heavy stick hangs swinging; used for threshing
856 Flash
857 Flake
858 Fluff
859 Flab
860 Fishes
861 Fished
862 Fashion
863 Fishmonger
864 Fisher
865 Facial
866 Fish shop
867 Fishing
868 Fish food
869 Fish bait
870 Focus
871 Faked
872 Fecund - fertile
873 Vacuum
874 Fakir - a Mohammedan or Hindu religious devotee
875 Fickle
876 Fake china
877 Faking
878 Havocful-'filled'with devastation and destruction
879 Vagabond
880 Fifes
881 Vivid
882 Vivien - Leigh
883 Five a.m.
884 Fever
885 Favillous - consisting of, or pertaining to, ashes
886 Fifish - resembling or having the characteristics of a fife
887 Fifing
888 Vivify - give life to; enliven; animate
889 Viviparous - bringing forth living young rather than in eggs
890 Fibs
891 Fibbed
892 Fabian - employing cautious strategy to wear out an enemy
893 Fob-maker
894 Fibre
895 Fable
896 Foppish
897 Fee back - imagine yourself receiving money you had paid for a product that was unsatisfactory
898 Few puffs - imagine someone trying to give up smoking
899 Fab boy - colloquialism for a young boy considered very attractive by girls
900 Basis
901 – 1000
901 Pasta
902 Basin
903 Bosom
904 Bazaar
905 Puzzle
906 Beseech - to ask for earnestly; to entreat, supplicate or implore
907 Basic
908 Passive
909 Baseball
910 Beads
911 Bedded
912 Button
913 Bottom
914 Batter
915 Battle
916 Badge
917 Bedding
918 Beautify
919 Bad boy
920 Bans - curses; interdicts; prohibitions; sentences of outlawry
921 Band
922 Banana
923 Benumb - to make numb or torpid, insensible or powerless
924 Banner
925 Banal - trivial, trite, stale, commonplace
926 Banish
927 Bank
928 Banff- a holiday resort in north-east Scotland, in Grampian Region
929 Pin-up
930 Beams
931 Pomade - a scented ointment, originating from apples, for the hair
932 Bemoan - weep or express sorrow for or over; to lament or bewail
933 Beam-maker
934 Be merry
935 Pommel - a rounded knob, especially at the end of a sword-hilt
936 Bombshell
937 Beaming
938 Bumph - derogatory term for official documents, forms
939 Bump
940 Brass
941 Bread
942 Barn
943 Brim
944 Barrier
945 Barrel
946 Barge
947 Bark
948 Brief
949 Bribe
950 Blaze
951 Bald
952 Balloon
953 Blame
954 Boiler
955 Balliol-one of the Oxford colleges
956 Blush
957 Black
958 Bailiff- a king's representative in a district; agent or lord of a manor; officer under a sheriff
959 Bulb
960 Beaches
961 Budget
962 Passion
963 Pyjamas
964 Poacher - one who trespasses to steal game or fish; a vessel for poaching eggs
965 Bushel - an 8-gallon measure for grain and fruit
966 Push-chair
967 Bushwhacker - dweller in the backwoods
968 Bashful
969 Bishop
970 Bacchus - the Greek god of wine
971 Bucket
972 Bacon
973 Becalm - to still; to make quiet; delay through lack of wind, as a yacht
974 Baker
975 Buckle
976 Baggage
977 Backing - support, moral or physical; a
web of strong material at the back of some woven fabric
978 Backoff
979 Backup
980 Beehives
981 Buffet
982 Buffoon - a ludicrous figure; a droll clown
983 Pavement
984 Beaver
985 Baffle
986 Peevish - fretful or irritable
987 Bivouac - a temporary encampment without tents
988 Puffy face
989 Puff up
990 Babies
991 Puppet
992 Baboon
993 Pipe major
994 Paper
995 Babble
996 Baby show
997 Popgun
998 Pipeful
999 Pop-up - an automatic toaster; book with pages that rise when opened to give a three-dimensional effect
1000 These zoos
The Multiplier Method:
From 1000 to 10,000 in Ten Easy Steps
100-199 In your block of ice
200-299 Covered in thick oil
300-399 In flames
400-499 Coloured a brilliant and pulsating purple
500-599 Made of beautiful velvet
600-699 Completely transparent
700-799 Smelling of your favourite fragrance
800-899 Placed in the middle of a busy road
900-1000 Floating on a single cloud in a beautiful, sunny, clear sky
Card Memory System
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